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Naturally Probiotic

Invest in your health now and forever ...



Validated by Campden British Research Institute 

2023 Nourish Award Winners

Because your
gut health matters

The World Health Organisation define probiotics as; 
'Live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host' 

Tibico is UNIQUE.

There is no other probiotic Water Kefir drink anywhere that is fermented from whole fruits.

At Tibico we specialise in small multiple batch craft fermentation.

Our ferments have been carefully developed to taste fresh and amazing, whilst supporting gut health and improving overall wellbeing.

Every Tibico product is fermented from natural raw ingredients, vegan, unpasteurised, not filtered and free of sugar, sweeteners, artificial flavourings and additives.

Our commitment to quality, sustainability and flavoursome taste is at the core of our culture and ethics, and we strive to offer the best in fermented probiotic food products.

Join our Tibico community today and experience the benefits.

Raspberry Water Kefir
2023 Nourish Award Winners

Multiple benefits in every bottle

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Immune system support

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Stomach acidity balance

Digestive support

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Stress, mood balance and mental health

Combats Oxidative stress

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More energy and focus

2023 Nourish Award Winners

A fresh new experience. 



The Tibico process is heavily focused on the microbiology and biochemistry of small batch craft fermentation.


Live Probiotics

30 -50 billion colony forming units (live bacteria) per bottle (100 million / ml or 2 raindrops). Essential for the digestion of fibre, good gut health, supporting a strong immune system, mental health, bloating, inflammation and your overall wellbeing.


Vitamin: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and K, and readily available polyphenols,

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) known to play a major role in controlling anxiety, stress, fear, diabetes and insomnia.


Primary Minerals

Calcium Magnesium Zinc Iron; essential for bone strengthening and numerous jobs for the body to function properly.


Amino Acids.

16 of the possible 20 amino acids essential for building protein and muscle repair.

8 of the 9 essential amino acids that your body cannot manufacture naturally.


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