The results of the human genome project.
Genes make proteins, the building blocked of life and the sheer complexity of humans projected the number to be very high.
Higher than an a mouse, known to have 23,000 genes and certainly higher than a wheat plant with 26,000 known genes. And no doubt higher that a worm with its 20,500 genes.
Despite guesses by world renowned scientists before the results were released, most predicted well over 150,000 genes in the human body.

With just shy of 21,000 genes, the human genome is hardly higher than a worm. It’s half the size of a rice plant and even the humble water flea outstrips it with 31,000 genes.
None of these species can talk, create, or think intelligent thoughts.
But in humans, these 21,000 genes are not the only genes that run your body. We do not live alone.
The 100 trillion microbes - known as the microbiota that live in and on us are just a single cell each. However these microbes living in and on us collectively contain 4.4 million genes - this is our microbiome. These genes collaborate in the running of our bodies alongside our meagre 21,000 human genes.
Scary isn’t it ?
So, maintaining a healthy gut and therefore microbiome is critical to our health and well-being, how we live and feel and eventually, our life expectancy.
Antibiotics, pollution, processed foods, food additives, processed meat, sugar, stress, unhealthy diet, and a sedentary life, all contribute to an unhealthy microbiome.
And the result is reflected in many modern day ailments. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, IBS, diverticulitis, gut bloating, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease are the killers of our modem times.
So take a little time to look after your gut health and add some fermented food to your diet every day. Help support your microbiome with more prebiotics and probiotics.

Even a regular glass of Tibico will help in so many ways.